An adequate fish oil dosage depends on the omega3 concentration. If 50% of the oils are omega3s, most sources suggest 1000mg per day for kids and 2000mg per day for adults. If you have never taken this type of supplement, start out with the lower dose and see how it affects you.
The oils have something of a laxative effect in some people. Your grandparents probably took cod liver oil to relieve constipation. No one should take cod liver oil, today, because the Atlantic cod is loaded with impurities and liver oils contain too much vitamin A. Vitamin A can be toxic at high doses.
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The primary benefit of supplementation has to do with the lack of fatty-fish in the average person's diet. We are advised not to eat too much of a single species over the course of a month, because of mercury and PCB contamination. But, if we don't eat some fish every day, we don't get any DHA.
A good fish oil dosage makes up for that shortcoming in the diet. DHA is an omega3 fatty acid that is abundant in the brain and the retina of the eye. Studies indicate that DHA supplementation is beneficial for depression and ADHD. It is hoped that DHA supplementation may reduce the risk of a degenerative eye disease called age-related macular degeneration.
There are many other benefits to supplementation, as well. In one recent study, researchers concluded that 1000mg per day for three months increases the skin's firmness.
If you are sure to choose a high quality supplement that provides at least 500mg of omega3s per day, a 1000mg fish oil dosage might make you look younger and feel younger, too.